BNBMiner: An Ethereum Smart Contract Game for Hatching and Trading Digital Eggs
This code is written in Solidity and is for a smart contract called BNBMiner on the BNB blockchain. The contract appears to be for a game or simulation where players can "hatch" eggs in exchange for "miners" and "sell" eggs for BNB, with the option to also "buy" eggs. The contract also has a referral system where a player can earn a percentage of eggs from other players they’ve referred.
The contract also appears to have a "market" where eggs are held, as well as an algorithm that regulates the price of buying and selling eggs. The contract is also using SafeMath library to prevent arithmetic errors, it's also using mapping to keep track of users' data.
It is worth noting that the contract is set up to take "dev fee" of the total ether bought or sold in the contract, which is transferred to the CEO's address.
It's hard to tell the purpose of this contract, as the code is not commented and it may have other functions or variables that are not visible in the code provided.
It's also worth noting that the address of CEO2 is hardcoded in the constructor and seems to be a testnet address.
With that all said, I very much enjoy the returns from this miner . DYOR .
sc Hughes